Z tej z kolei strony: http://weedscanada.ca/plants_poisonous_animals.htm wynika, że jeśli chodzi o wilczomlecz sosnkę (Euphorbia cyparissias L.), to owszem, jest śmiertelnie trujący dla bydła, owiec i koni, ale nie przenika do "produktów", czyli jak rozumiem - mięsa i mleka. Dwa ostatnie zdania znów sugerują, że nie jest zjadany przez zwierzęta na pastwisku, czyli jeśli mają wybór - nie jedzą, jeśli podamy im to w drobno siekanym sianie - zeżrą.
"Spurge family (Euphorbiaceae)
cypress spurge # (euphorbe cyprès); Euphorbia cyparissias L.
Perennial herb, with underground rootstocks, often forming large patches; sometimes grown as an outdoor ornamental, frequently becomes an aggressive weed. Occurs sporadically throughout our area, but mainly in the east.
leafy spurge # (euphorbe ésule); Euphorbia esula L.
Introduced perennial weed spreading mainly by persistent vertical and horizontal underground rootstocks. Occurs throughout, but mainly in the mid-west.
Both have caused poisonings and deaths of cattle, horses, and sheep, especially when animals eat contaminated hay. Grazing animals usually avoid grazing plants growing in the field."
"Spurge family (Euphorbiaceae)
cypress spurge # (euphorbe cyprès); Euphorbia cyparissias L.
Perennial herb, with underground rootstocks, often forming large patches; sometimes grown as an outdoor ornamental, frequently becomes an aggressive weed. Occurs sporadically throughout our area, but mainly in the east.
leafy spurge # (euphorbe ésule); Euphorbia esula L.
Introduced perennial weed spreading mainly by persistent vertical and horizontal underground rootstocks. Occurs throughout, but mainly in the mid-west.
Both have caused poisonings and deaths of cattle, horses, and sheep, especially when animals eat contaminated hay. Grazing animals usually avoid grazing plants growing in the field."